Tuesday, April 28, 2015

X (Elements of Dreams) #AtoZChallenge

       "X" can have a number of meanings:  An unknown factor, something that is forbidden, a signature, the number 10, or a special demarcation such as one might find on a map.   As with all dream imagery, the X can have one or more meanings for each of us and can vary according to how it has been presented in the dream.

        Dream symbols should never be taken only their own.  A symbol in a dream is not a guaranteed one symbol fits the same interpretation for everyone.   In all cases the dream symbol must be taken in the context of the dream.   Consider what other symbols appear along with the symbol you are trying to evaluate and how that symbol made you feel.  How do the other dream characters respond to the symbol?    What happens after the appearance of the symbol?

       On a test an "x" might be used to fill in the box for the correct answer or an "x" might denote that your answer was wrong.   An "X" on a door might mean "Do Not Enter" or it could possibly mean Room #10.  First impressions are not always correct and each symbol must be examined taking it within the scope of the bigger picture.

        Sometimes an  X is merely an X while other times it's the spot on the map where the hidden treasure has been buried.   X could be a bad sign, but it can also mean something good.   Or in some cases it might mean nothing or merely that something is missing.   Don't take X at face value and make every attempt to make sure the X factor of the equation is solved before coming to a final conclusion about what a dream means.

         What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of X?   How are you at solving mathematical equations?   Have you ever had a dream where an X appeared and if so in what context did you see the X?


  1. Yeah I'm not good at math. Here I am at age 50 and I have yet to have any need for geometry or algebra or to find 'x'. Of course I see 'X' and the first thing that comes to mind is X Files which I commented about on your other blog. Or X marks the spot on treasure maps.

    1. JoJo, I guess I'm passable at math though I've forgotten most of it because there's not much that I use. Not many of use ever use that algebra or other math that we had to take in school.


  2. I've never had an X appear in any dream I've ever had. At least not that I can remember....I'm very,very terrible at solving any kind of math problem...I'm like JoJo, over 50 and have yet to need to find 'x' ever in my life. I would probably fail grade 8 math if I took it now!

    1. Eva, actually an "X" in a dream might be easy to overlook or to forget. You've probably had some X's appear in your dream and just don't realize it. I know that I've had some exes appear in my dreams.


    2. LOL! Touche...oh THOSE exes! lol...yes, I've seen them in a few dreams....or nightmares! lol.

  3. I agree that one should never take any symbol, really, on its own in a dream. I'm always searching my dream to see the context and how it relates to the other things in the dream. Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @ http://www.lisabuiecollard.com

    1. Lisa, context is so important in dreams as well as in waking life. So many things and words can have multiple meanings. We should rarely just accept things at face value when there seems to be some doubt about them.


  4. I've never had an X or any other symbol appear in a dream. I'm terrible at math problems, especially algebra-type math.


    1. Sunni, if I were presented with a math test right now I'd probably do horribly. I'd want to study at least a bit.



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The Dreamer