This blog has been entered in the A to Z Challenge every year since going on line. Now I'm faced with the decision of entering A Faraway View for still another April Challenge. What to do? With prescheduling of posts it's been pretty easy in the past two events, but still it's work. I don't know if it's worth it.
My dream blog does not generally get many visits per post, but you who do visit are faithful in doing so. I thank you all for that. Participation in the April Challenges has added followers, but not loyal readers. Some of you have expressed similar circumstances on your own blogs. I'm on a constant quest to figure out what it takes to increase and keep readers, but for this blog I've certainly not zoned in on what it takes to do that.
The highly personal nature of many of the blog posts here and the limited lure of the topic are not a big draw for an audience. In part this blog has a content problem and I've been aware of that almost from the start. A Faraway View is definitely a niche blog and expectations of high readership should be reflected by that fact. Maybe I can find a way to broaden the audience potential, but so far A to Z hasn't done that for me here.
I'll have to think on this for a while before coming to a final decision--weigh the work against the rewards reaped. I love doing the A to Z here, but I've gotten so behind in so many aspects of my life that I'm not sure the time I spend is worth it. I've even considered stopping any new activity on this blog--leaving it open for past posts, but not keeping posts current.
Are you participating in the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge? Do you think continuing to post on a blog that does not have a growing audience is a waste of time? What suggestions do you have for increasing readership on this blog?