Saturday, April 18, 2015

Problems (Elements of Dreams) #AtoZChallenge

        Just as we encounter problems in everyday life, we encounter problems and difficult situations in our dreams.  The dream problems we face are often the same or related to those of waking life.  In other cases the dream difficulties might reflect problematic issues from our waking life that have not been apparent to us.  

         Since dreams are the realm of the mind where the subconscious interprets and restates issues regarding our daily life, solutions to problems are sometimes presented in the dream or the subconscious might look at the problem from another perspective that makes it easier for us to understand the problem more completely.

         When problems are presented in dreams you need to look closely at the nature of the problem and if a dream solution is offered.   It's important to evaluate your feelings about what it is that you learn in the dream and how the subconscious interprets problems and solutions via dream characters, story lines, and settings.  Dreams may be the ideal solution to what is vexing you in your waking life.

          What are some problems that face you in your dreams?    Have you noted any similarities between dream problems and waking life problems?    Has a dream ever made you aware of a problematic situation that you had not previous noticed?


  1. I used to have some pretty weird dreams. I don't think I've ever solved a problem through a dream though. In my dreams I used to be preoccupied with survival...escaping..I don't know what that says...maybe they did help solve a problem come to think of it! These days I don't really remember a lot of my dreams, so when I do remember one it feels extra special! lol

    1. I've had a few of those escaping dreams as well. Mostly though in my dreams I'm lost or confused about something.


  2. Geez, the same as Eva surviving and escaping. The only thing that seems to repeat in this phase is I am faced with something insurmountable, a wall that is a mile high and I am on top for example, and I always find a way down. The initial recognition of I am going to die, and then somehow finding a way out. And I always wake up before I finish the task.

    1. I guess my dreams are more benevolent than yours and Eva's. Maybe not as exciting though.


  3. Hello Mr B. I was passing and thought I would say a quick hello. I have not remembered a dream in years. I am not sure if not remembering dreams has any significance, or maybe it just means I am getting old and tired. I do hope you are managing to stay on top of all your A to Z posts on your various blogs.

    Good Luck with the rest of the journey to Z and may all your dreams be good ones. . . .

    Rob Z Tobor

    1. Not remembering probably means not paying attention. I don't remember a lot of stuff anymore dreams or otherwise.


  4. Right after my divorce I had nightmares that Hubby was trying to kill me (with knives, ropes and vehicles) and take BabyGirl away. It took time but everything resolved itself and they went away.


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The Dreamer