Monday, April 27, 2015

Worry (Elements of dreams) #AtoZChallenge

       Worry can influence what we dream and the subconscious can introduce worry into the dream story line.  There is a reasonable probability that our worry from waking life carries over into our dreams and is transmogrified into a new kind of dream worry.   However if that waking life worry is powerful enough then it will probably show up in the same or similar manner as we had experienced it in the original incarnation.

         Sometimes a reimagined or newly invented dream worry can vex us to the point were we might wake up with that same worry on our mind.   We might not remember what it was in the dream that caused our worry which at times can become even more troubling in the first few minutes of being awake.   As we gather our senses we realize that the worry has been induced by a dream story and is not real.

         There is probably little doubt that any worry in dreams is rooted in an actual concern we have carried over from waking life into our dreams.  As is usually the case with dreaming, the subconscious attempts to analyze the worry from waking life and find a possible resolution.  If no adequate answer to the worry in the dream is found then we are left with the original worry though perhaps it may have been mitigated to some degree by the act of trying to analyze it.

         Do you ever dream about being worried about something?    Do you ever wake up worried by an idea that was introduced in a dream?     How often have you lain awake in bed worrying about some issue in your life?  


  1. Ha. This is my life on a daily basis. I suffer from horrible anxiety and panic, which is getting worse with each passing day. Usually related to how much I loathe my mom and how I have to 'play nice'. Right now the issue is the fact that she failed her eye test at the DMV last week and her license expires on 5/3. If she can't drive that means I'm going to be stuck doing it and I am very upset b/c I just don't want to. I try to spend as little time with that woman as possible. she's going to be 88 and I'm so sick of dealing with her. She is still passive aggressive and loves to get her shots and put downs in on me. So I am in a massive state of anxiety right now b/c we are going to Lenscrafters today to try and get new glasses and back to the DMV tomorrow and hope she passes cause if she doesn't, my life and freedom are over.

    1. I'm not sure what to say, JoJo. I'm sorry for your circumstance, but can't help but feel sorry for your mother as well. I hope that somehow the two of you can find some sort of resolution to your conflict. Life is too short for you to feel like this.


  2. I don't necessarily believe our dreams are us trying to "resolve" anything. I think dreams are our subconscious way of trying to process and to explore in a way that we can't when we're awake. I call dreams like what you've posted here "stress" dreams. Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

    1. Exploration and processing can involve resolving I think. Especially when the dreamer attempts to examine the dream and understand what has been conveyed by it. I know I've come to understand certain problems through dreams and found that my worry had been reduced through the act of dreaming or sorting out the dream later.


  3. I have a recurring dream (in fact just had one the other night) in which locks are the main focus. It's always some situation where I realize that I didn't lock the door or the window and I'm in danger and in order to be safe the door/window must be locked. All of the situations are different but most prominently featured are the locks themselves. The other night it was a slide-bolt lock. I'd love to have these dreams analyzed one of these days. This has been going on for years! So yeah, I have worry in my dreams sometimes. Not often though: most of my dreams are quite pleasant but I do have these occasional recurring dreams that shake me up.
    Michele at Angels Bark

  4. I have a recurring dream (in fact just had one the other night) in which locks are the main focus. It's always some situation where I realize that I didn't lock the door or the window and I'm in danger and in order to be safe the door/window must be locked. All of the situations are different but most prominently featured are the locks themselves. The other night it was a slide-bolt lock. I'd love to have these dreams analyzed one of these days. This has been going on for years! So yeah, I have worry in my dreams sometimes. Not often though: most of my dreams are quite pleasant but I do have these occasional recurring dreams that shake me up.
    Michele at Angels Bark

  5. Worry...yes. In fact sometimes I wonder if they aren't bordering on precognition or something like that. I don't really believe in that sort of thing (not much anyway) but twice in the last 3 months I've had dreams of my dad being sick or getting lost or some other bizarre thing about him, only to call my mom the next day to find out he really is sick. This worries me now when I dream about him, because he really isn't doing well. I find myself hoping to not dream about him now. Do you think dreams can be precognitive?


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The Dreamer