Thursday, April 30, 2015
Zero (Elements of Dreams) #AtoZChallenge
Coming up zero can account for so many dream situations. Not having money, at loss for an answer, confusion as to where one is going. I've had many dream situations where I can be frustrated or even in a near panic because I have zero idea where something is or even why I am doing something. This is a situation that we confront in waking life so it only seems natural to have it happen in our dreams.
How often do you come up zero in your dreams? Do your "zero" dreams reflect actual happenings in your life or are they more related to your fears of the situation happening someday? Dreams about finding money are somewhat common, but do you recall ever actually spending money in your dreams?
The Next A to Z Event
That's the last of the A to Z alphabet posts for 2015, but that doesn't mean the Challenge is completely over. Now there's just one more thing--The A to Z Reflections Post. This is the annual tradition where A to Z participants look back on their Challenge experience to let the rest of us know what they think about it all.
You can tell us about what went right or wrong, what was good or bad, and what you'd like to see happen with future challenges. Tell us about favorite blog discoveries or which of your own posts did best. There are no rules as to what your Reflections will be. It's up to you.
For this Reflections event the Linky will officially appear at the A to Z Blog site on May 4th and stay open until May 8th. You will enter the exact link for your Reflections post and not your general blog URL.
Since A Faraway View will be returning to its usual Thursday schedule, my Reflections post for this blog will appear on Monday May 4th with no new post available until Thursday May 14th.
Thanks for reading the posts at A Faraway View!
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Youth (#AtoZChallenge)
Dreams can be like a fountain of youth--or at least a time travel trip back to more youthful days. My dreams often have a setting of my school days or some time in my past. Since I can't see what I look like in these dreams I can only sense that perhaps I am in my youth even though it's kind of one of those "if I could be young again and know everything I know now" type situations.
In my dreams involving my younger days I feel much like who I am now. I seem to have the same knowledge and awareness of my sense of being as I have in my waking life age, yet the younger people around me seem not to notice that I am older than they are. In fact, in some ways they seem to be my actual age except that we are back in the time of younger years.
Actually, in these dreams age does not seem to be a significant factor most of the time. I am merely in a setting that I recall from my youth involved in activities of that time. My reactions to the dream events more closely correspond to how I am in my present age and I seem to be somewhat in touch with my present life. It's almost like living in the memory of that time for a brief period of sleep and putting everything of that earlier time into context with the present even though within the story of the dream time does not seem to be of any real issue.
Do you ever dream about times when you were younger? In those types of dreams do you feel like you are that younger age or your present age? If you could, would you go back to an earlier time of your life?
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
X (Elements of Dreams) #AtoZChallenge
"X" can have a number of meanings: An unknown factor, something that is forbidden, a signature, the number 10, or a special demarcation such as one might find on a map. As with all dream imagery, the X can have one or more meanings for each of us and can vary according to how it has been presented in the dream.
Dream symbols should never be taken only their own. A symbol in a dream is not a guaranteed one symbol fits the same interpretation for everyone. In all cases the dream symbol must be taken in the context of the dream. Consider what other symbols appear along with the symbol you are trying to evaluate and how that symbol made you feel. How do the other dream characters respond to the symbol? What happens after the appearance of the symbol?
On a test an "x" might be used to fill in the box for the correct answer or an "x" might denote that your answer was wrong. An "X" on a door might mean "Do Not Enter" or it could possibly mean Room #10. First impressions are not always correct and each symbol must be examined taking it within the scope of the bigger picture.
Sometimes an X is merely an X while other times it's the spot on the map where the hidden treasure has been buried. X could be a bad sign, but it can also mean something good. Or in some cases it might mean nothing or merely that something is missing. Don't take X at face value and make every attempt to make sure the X factor of the equation is solved before coming to a final conclusion about what a dream means.
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of X? How are you at solving mathematical equations? Have you ever had a dream where an X appeared and if so in what context did you see the X?
Monday, April 27, 2015
Worry (Elements of dreams) #AtoZChallenge
Worry can influence what we dream and the subconscious can introduce worry into the dream story line. There is a reasonable probability that our worry from waking life carries over into our dreams and is transmogrified into a new kind of dream worry. However if that waking life worry is powerful enough then it will probably show up in the same or similar manner as we had experienced it in the original incarnation.
Sometimes a reimagined or newly invented dream worry can vex us to the point were we might wake up with that same worry on our mind. We might not remember what it was in the dream that caused our worry which at times can become even more troubling in the first few minutes of being awake. As we gather our senses we realize that the worry has been induced by a dream story and is not real.
There is probably little doubt that any worry in dreams is rooted in an actual concern we have carried over from waking life into our dreams. As is usually the case with dreaming, the subconscious attempts to analyze the worry from waking life and find a possible resolution. If no adequate answer to the worry in the dream is found then we are left with the original worry though perhaps it may have been mitigated to some degree by the act of trying to analyze it.
Do you ever dream about being worried about something? Do you ever wake up worried by an idea that was introduced in a dream? How often have you lain awake in bed worrying about some issue in your life?
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Variance (#AtoZChallenge)
ˈverēəns/ noun
- the fact or quality of being different, divergent, or inconsistent.
Dreams are at variance with the reality of waking life. The logic and consistency of one world is not quite like the other. Dreams have a similarity to our lives of working, playing, eating, or any of the other many varied things we do when we are not sleeping. However during sleep we imagine or remember that waking world and reinterpret the images and sensations of that world into a sometimes fantastical world where anything can and often does happen.
Waking and sleeping are complementary worlds that rely upon each other to exist. Waking cannot be without sleeping. However we can sleep in a coma for an indefinite period of time. What dreams exist in that interminable sleep? And do those dreams gradually lose touch with the imagery of the waking world?
As with all circumstances of living, there must be some balance between waking and sleeping in order for the dreams to function normally. Or is there truly a normalcy to dreams? If dreams are the variance of waking life and these dreams reinterpret and evaluate the experiences of the waking hours then what do the dreams of a comatose state consist of--colors, shadows, darkness?
More research will be necessary to understand the dream world of the coma victim, but without the variance of waking life versus dreams is there anything really to be measured or studied?
Do you think there is a purpose to the variance between waking life and dream life? How "normal" are most of your dreams? What do you like best--dream life or waking life?
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Friday, April 24, 2015
Understanding (Elements of Dreams) #AtoZChallenge
Dreams can help you in understanding self and the external world. The subconscious mind reinterprets daily events as well as how you feel about your life. If you are content and happy, your dreams will likely reflect those feelings. If you are having dreams that frighten or discourage you then you need to take a look at your life to see what it is that might offer threats or apprehensions.
The mind uses dreams to connect your body, soul, and environment to some sense of meaning and point to ways that you can clear up the difficulties that might be standing in your way. Your dreams rarely hand over the answers you need in any obvious way. It's up to you to figure things out by determining what the dream symbols represent and what you need to do with them.
Your dreams might not deliver easy answers, but they can help but you on the road to better understanding. Dreams are a useful tool when you take advantage of them.
Do you ever use dreams to understand yourself and environment better? Do you see any useful purpose to dreams and the study of those dreams? What are some ways that you might analyze your own dreams to make them more clear to you?
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Thursday, April 23, 2015
Traveling (Elements of Dreams) #AtoZChallenge
Traveling dreams for me are of a highly personal nature that many readers might not share in the same way as I do. Since I spent many years touring with a theater group, traveling for me represents essentially a way of life as well as part of a work environment. Traveling in dreams for me is normally a relatively positive circumstance in which I feel comfortable for the most part.
The part where travel in dreams might find a common ground between me and others for whom travel might tend to be a more special experience is the feeling of being lost or being late. In my travel dreams I frequently find myself behind schedule which can introduce an element of stress into the dream. Add to that the sense of being lost and the dream can become highly disorienting and sometimes rather upsetting.
In some of these travel dreams I will find myself without my vehicle for one reason or another and I will be on foot. Typically I am not alone, but with another person or a group of people. As we travel, whether it be by vehicle or on foot, I will often get side-tracked by other events or situations and my original destination becomes forgotten or determined to be a lost cause.
There are also travel dreams that might involve car trouble, accidents, or external threats that hinder my ability to continue my journey. These situations are likely to be more relatable to those of you who are not frequent travelers. In your case you might be dreaming about trying to get to work or some other destination that is important to you.
Do you dream about travel? Where are you usually going when you dream about trying to get somewhere? What typically hinders you from reaching your dream destinations?
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Sex (Elements of Dreams) #AtoZChallenge
One of the most common elements of dreams is sex. There can be any number of interpretations of a dream about sex and several reasons that one might have dreams about sex. Generally a sex dream would indicate desire, a wish for dominating another, or a fear resulting from a threat of another person.
The desire part is easy enough. Our dreams often merely depict something that we are wishing for. The partner in the dream might not be one that we would really want in waking life, but the meaning behind that depiction would have to be something determined by self-analysis. The main components to consider in a desire dream would be who we were with, where the act had occurred, what were the circumstances of the encounter, and how the situation made us feel.
Some sex dreams are not really about sex at all, but they actually refer to our wish to dominate, control, or humiliate another person in our lives. Once again how we feel about the situation is an important determinant as to the possible meaning of the dream.
Sex dreams that induce fear are again not so much about sex as they are about real or perceived threats. If you have a dream of this nature you should carefully consider what the dream is telling you and perhaps heed the warning delivered by the dream. Often it is nothing but a matter of something thought or heard about the person in the dream. In some cases the dream encounter might be a symbolic representation of something totally unrelated to anything sexual. It's up to you to read carefully the dream story and emotions to determine whether these dreams are important to your waking life or something else entirely that has nothing to do with the person about whom you dreamed.
Have you ever dreamed of a totally absurd encounter with someone that you would not have otherwise thought about in a sexual context? Do you have recurring nightmares of a sexual nature? Do sex dreams typically make you feel positive or negative?
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Running (Elements of Dreams) #AtoZChallenge
Dreams about running deal with one of three things: being pursued, being in pursuit, or running just to be running. For the sake of simplicity I'll lump in running because we are late with being in pursuit of something (a perceived deadline) or if you prefer we can make that a fourth reason for dream running. When running in a dream we are running under stress or for the elation of the freedom of running.
Running can mean many things to the dreamer. In order to understand your own dream about running you might examine the reason you are running in the dream and what that situation has to do with anything in your waking life. Then you should consider how the running in the dream makes you feel. You might be scared, angry, or even having fun as you play a running game. Running in pursuit or being pursued would either usually relate to achieving something or avoiding something. Your own analysis can bring you closer to figuring out why you are running for either of these reasons.
If you are running just for the fun and exhilaration then you might be longing for a sense or freedom from some physically or emotionally constraining aspect of your life. When I am running in this manner in a dream I feel like I am younger and in terrific shape. I can do things in the dream that I cannot do in my actual life and I awaken from the dream feeling a sense of well-being and strength.
The negative effect of running in a dream might be rapid heartbeat, sweating, or nervousness. If this is a recurring event of your sleep then perhaps you should consult with your physician.
If you experience running in your dream, what is it in the dream that is happening during these episodes? Are you a runner in waking life? Is there a health or physical condition that prevents you from running in waking life?
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Monday, April 20, 2015
Questions (Elements of Dreams) #AtoZChallenge
What does it mean when someone in a dream asks a question? Or if you the dreamer asks a question? How can a dream cause a question to arise?
All interesting questions. The questions that I have been asked in dreams are usually absurd when they are asked, but there are not many occasions when I can recall being asked questions in dreams. If in my dream I ask a question it is usually of a normal variety of the nature of who somebody is or how do I get somewhere. The questions within dreams are not an element to which I've paid much notice and yet this is probably an important dream element to consider.
More than anything though the dreams themselves cause questions to arise. Most often the question is something of the nature of what a dream has meant. Another question is in regard to the reason why I have had a particular dream.
The curious semblance of normalcy in dreams would suggest that questions are asked within the context of a dream. The questions might be of an odder nature than those asked in waking life, but that would fit the dream logic.
The oddness of dreams and the peculiar nature of the dream story lines seem to naturally elicit puzzlement which in turn might lead to asking questions about the dream. Well asked questions are a good thing when we can learn something from the answers. Then at times there are no answers, but only more questions.
If you've been asked a dream question or asked one yourself of a dream character, what is typically the nature of the questions asked? In your dreams, is there dialogue or are your dreams more visual than audible? What is a question that you have puzzled over after having wakened from a dream?
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